SMS Services


Make communicating with parents quick, easy and hassle free while saving yourself hours of time and bags of cash!. Parent alert offers extensive SMS, IVRS and Auto Dialer service to schools . Using our unique SMS software, it is possible for the schools and colleges to communicate parents of students. The school can comunicate Exam / Test results, Homeworks, Attendance of the students, Holiday announcements, Meetings and important dates, Timetable, Fee details.

Why Parent alert for schools:

Initimating Attendance of the students

  • Initimating Homeworks for lower grades.
  • Exam / Test results / Fee details.
  • School circulars / Special announcements.
  • Reduce costs (notably telephone bills).
  • More communication between teachers & parents.
  • Reaching each parents with private & confidence.
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    The whole world is in chaos, and people dying everywhere, ever stopped to wonder why the world is in such chaos like this?

    +91 9570605410